TH400 Transmission Level 3 – 400 Raptor Transmission.

$ 3100.00

2WD or 4WD ? *

TH400 Now ? *

Tail Shaft Type ? *

Stall Speed, if I buy a converter *

Need Speedometer Gears? 2WD Only *

Add Torque Converter (extra) *

Fly Wheel Horsepower? *

Core Charge *


  TH400 Level 3 – 400 Raptor Transmission

  The level 3 high performance TH400 transmission comes with a Fairbanks TransAction Shift Kit for firmer shifts and more holding force on all the clutches. The front band is replaced with a wide Alto Black band. The stock intermediate sprag is replaced with a 34 element sprag with over twice the holding power of the stock sprag. Some of the other features are Kolene Steels and Red Eagle Power Packs in all three clutch sets, extra hard input shaft and drum and an extra hard forward clutch hub. You get your choice of a 4 inch or 9 inch tail housings plus your choice of three different length 4WD output shafts. All transmissions come with a free PATC shirt. This transmission will replace your 4L60E or T56 transmission on 1998 to 2002 F-Body Camaros and Firebirds with LS1 high horse power nitrous motors. Good for motors up to 1200 horse power.

400 Transmissions Level 1 – Stock Level 2 – 400 Terminator Level 3 – 400 Raptor
Torque Converter Stock #7 No – You Pick
Stall Speeds 1800 1800, 2000, 2600 No
Free Freight No No No
Speedometer Gears Extra Extra Extra
Fairbanks TransAction Kit No Yes Yes
Alto Black Front Band No Yes Yes, Wide
34 Element Sprag and Drum No Yes Yes
Core Charge Yes Yes Yes
Tail Housing 4 or 9 Inch 4 or 9 Inch 4 or 9 Inch
4 Clutch Intermediate Brown Power Pack No Yes No
Alto Kolene Steels and Red Eagle Power Packs in all 3 Clutch Sets No No Yes
Heavy-Duty forward drum and hard Input Shaft with oversize splines No No Yes
Hard Forward Clutch Hub No No Yes
2WD Price shown, add $100.00 on 4WD case and $149.00 on some 4WD output shafts. Chevy $ $ $ plus converter
Transmission Horse Power Rating 400 (with #7 converter) 800 (with #6X – 400 converter) 1200
Upgrades Cast Aluminum Pan, Powder Coating, Alto Red Eagle Power Packs, 4WD Case, Gear Venders 22% Overdrive
Comments When ordering a 4WD TH400 transmission we need to know how far the output shaft sticks out past the case. If you  have a 454 motor the #7 torque converter that comes with the level 2 TH400 will require a dual bolt pattern flywheel.

Additional information

Weight 320 lbs
Dimensions 33 × 23 × 25 in

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