46RE / 47RE Transmission, Dodge 46RE – 46RH – 47RE – 47RH Transmissions, Level 3 “Mega Viper Series”

$ 3769.00

Do you have a Dakota ? *

Gas / Diesel or V10 ? *

Transmission Type / Core Charge ? *

Transmission Year ? *

2WD or 4WD ? *

1996-On, 4WD ? *

Neutral Safety Switch Type ? *

Gas Converter Upgrade ? *

Gas Stall Speed ? *

Torque Converter Type ? *

Do you have a Diesel non-lock-up torque converter ? *

Diesel Torque Converter Charge? *

Upgrade the Diesel Torque Converter Stator ? *

Flywheel Horse Power? *

Billet Input Shaft Upgrade for V8 Gas Motor ? *

Diesel Billet Flexplate (gold color) Upgrade ? *

Recommended for the 3 Clutch Diesel Converter

Derale Cooler Pan Upgrade ? *

PML Deep Cast Aluminum Powder Coated Pan Upgrade? *

Shirt Size – Free! *

Project Information:

Please fill out the year, make and model of the vehicle this transmission is being purchased for.

*Transmission Freight will be calculated and added to your order, after your order has been received*
Business or Residential Freight Delivery?
Liftgate Required, yes or no?

Any additional info you would like to relay?

Motor/Engine Year?

Do you need a speedometer optional tail housing ? *

Core Charge for 47RH Diesel Non-Lock-Up Torque Converter *


  The level 3 Mega Viper transmission comes with all four sets of Alto Red Eagle clutches and Kolene steels plus a direct clutch PowerPack, high capacity 5 clutch direct clutch drum, a Fairbanks TransAction Kit, performance 3-4 accumulator spring for a firmer shift into overdrive, high performance low / reverse servo, performance intermediate servo cover, Mopar 5 to 1 intermediate band apply lever (4.2 gas) giving an extra 31% torque holding capacity in second gear on diesel models, extreme duty brass impregnated carbon fiber flex band and a heavy duty intermediate band strut, Sonnax Billet Aluminum 4 Ring Accumulator Piston, Sonnax 16% Oversize Intermediate Servo with Cover and the Power Wedge Intermediate Band Anchor. A special manual valve allows converter fluid charge in park. It has the stronger Mega Spring for overdrive direct clutch apply with more holding power in reverse, 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The heavy duty / high performance torque converter that comes with this package deal can be ordered in stall speeds up to 2800 RPM for gas motors. The diesel transmission comes with our triple clutch billet converter (8DXX) and TCS billet input shaft. This transmission (518, 46 RH / RE) is good for any type heavy duty / high performance use up to 700 HP (gas) with 6V option using pump gasoline.

This transmission can be built for both gas and diesel applications. This transmission (A518 46RH) can be installed in the place of a 3 speed transmission in older non-computer cars and trucks for a 30 to 40% increase in gas mileage on the road.

Transmission Level 2 – Viper Level 3 – Mega Viper Level 4 & 5 – Ramzilla
All Red Eagle Clutches and Kolene Steels Yes Yes Yes
Extra Clutches in Direct Clutch Set Yes – 1 Yes – 1 to 2 Yes – 2 to 4
Direct Clutch Drum Stock Stock 4 Clutch 5 Clutch #8D6 or Billet 5 Clutch #5X
Carbon Fiber Flex Band
Extreme Duty Brass Impregnated Carbon Fiber Flex Band Yes Yes Yes
Fairbanks TransAction Kit, Transgo in 48RE Yes Yes Yes
Performance Low / Reverse Servo Yes Yes Yes
Heavy Duty Intermediate Band Strut Yes Yes Yes
7 Clutch Direct Clutch Drum, 40% more clutch apply area than a 48RE, 75% more clutch apply area than a 47RE 4 / 5 Clutch 5 Clutch Yes 7
Performance 3-4 Accumulator Spring Extra Yes Yes
 Sonnax Billet Aluminum 4 Ring Accumulator Piston, Sonnax 16% Oversize Intermediate Servo with Cover and the Power Wedge Intermediate Band Anchor Yes Yes Yes
5 to 1 Intermediate Band Apply Lever on Diesel Models Extra Yes Yes
4.2 to 1 Intermediate Band Apply Lever on Gas Models Extra Yes Yes
Converter Fluid Charge in Park Yes Yes Yes
Mega Spring for Overdrive Direct Clutch Extra Yes Yes
Deep Finned Cast Aluminum Pan Extra Extra Yes
Performance Torque Converter, Gas Yes, #6D Gas Yes, #6D Gas
Full Size Billet Lock-Up Converter, Gas Extra Extra Yes, #6V
Billet 10 Inch Lock-Up Converter, Gas Extra Extra Yes,
Triple Clutch Billet Torque Converter, Diesel / V10. Extra Yes, #8DXX Yes, #8DXX
Billet Lock-Up Torque Converter, Diesel Extra
Gas Horse Power Rating without Nitrous or Supercharger 500 Flywheel Horse Power 700 Flywheel Horse Power Converter 800 Flywheel Horse Power Gas, Over 1000 Torque on Diesel
All Three OEM 48RE 6 Pinion Planet Gears Yes
Steel Front Planet Yes N/A
48RE Sun Gear and Shell Yes
Sonnax or TCS Hard Input Shaft. We recommend a hard shaft if you have a 3 clutch converter. Extra with 3 Clutch Diesel Converter Yes with Diesel / Extra on Gas Yes
10 Performance Alto Red Eagle Overdrive Direct Clutches Diesel / V10 Diesel / V10 Yes
7 Overdrive Clutches, 20% more clutch apply area than a 48RE Yes
5 Forward Clutches, 25% more clutch apply area than a 48RE Yes
22% more total clutch apply area than a 47RE transmission Yes
2003 Up 48RE Internal Parts, Gas or Diesel Some Yes
Level 5 Only – Big Daddy Direct Drum Yes
Level 5 Only – Hard Intermediate Shaft Yes

  Every Transmission Tested on the PATC Dyno.

Additional information

Weight 320 lbs

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