Electronic Ratio Adapter to adjust electronic speedometers, #ERA

$ 199.00


Electronic Ratio Adapter (ERA), to adjust electronic speedometers

With the ERA, you simply hook up four wires, set the DIP switches according to the calibration table included with your order, and you are ready to go.

What does the Electronic Ratio Adapter do? The automotive industry has a great variety of part sizes, types, shapes and descriptions, but regardless of make, model or year, a few things are standard. One of those standards has been the number of revolutions a speedometer cable will make for each mile traveled. Nowadays, electronic pulses have replaced the rotating cable, but the same principle applies. The Pulse Ratio (the number of pulses per mile traveled) remains the same, regardless of speed, since the same distance is traveled and the same number of pulses have occurred each mile no matter what the speed was during that mile. However, this Pulse Ratio can be made to vary from the true when modifications are made which change the number of electronic pulses per mile on a particular vehicle. This is most commonly caused by changing the tire size (increasing the outside diameter of the tires will cause the tire to travel further before making a complete revolution), but other modifications could have the same result. When the Pulse Ratio is thrown off, the speedometer/odometer will be inaccurate and corrections must be made. This relative difference between true speed and the speed indicated on the speedometer is called the Variance Ratio, and it is corrected using the Electronic Ratio Adapter.

Wiring Diagram of Electronic Ratio Adapter:

Electronic Ratio Adapter

 (Red Wire) 12 volts, ignition on
 (Black Wire) Ground
 (White Wire) Signal in from the speed sensor
 (Blue Wire) Signal out to the ECM / Speedometer

Currently the Electronic Ratio Adapter is not recommended for 2000 and newer Fords and 2001 on Dodge Rams.

Main Speedometer Gear Page CLICK HERE

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 6 × 3 in