Level 5 700R4 Extreme Raptor

<img src=”https://transmissioncenter.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Flame.gif” width=”30″ height=”55″ border=”0″ /> <img src=”https://transmissioncenter.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/PATC22bmp.jpg” />  Chevy 700R4 Transmission – Level Five

1,000+ HP Rated ” 700 Extreme Raptor”

Every man has dreamed of it, thought about it, and even vision himself doing it. The build all of all build all’s. The time in your life when the kids are gone, wife is set up in her house like she wants, and you have some extra cash. It’s time to build your dream car, and today we are designing a gear head’s dream transmission. The transmission we always dreamed about, the transmission with the best of the best. The transmission you know nobody has ever developed before. On this date 03-29-12 nobody in the world has the transmission parts available to build this but us. With the release of the new Smart Tech Input Drum we are proud to present this new development to you. “When designing this transmission we were given the Carte Blanche by Turbo Don our Owner and Founder, we were told we did not have any budget guidelines but it has to handle 800 HP reliably.